We want your child to enjoy their selected
classes. We realize, however, not every choice is a successful fit. We
will try to accommodate your needs within the first two weeks of the
session if there is space available. If space is not available we will
provide a full refund of your deposit or full payment. Up to the halfway
mark of any class, we will refund 25% of payments made. We cannot
provide any refund after the halfway mark of the program as vendor
contracts are set and vendors must be paid. Please be considerate and
timely with these requests. All requests for changes must be in writing
and emailed to info@ps10extendedday,com
In the event the PS10 PTA Extended Day Program must cease to provide in-person outings and activities due to changes in regulations, guidelines or any unforeseen circumstances; the Extended Day program will provide a full refund for any unused days for the Outdoor Camp portion of the program.
We have two main dismissal times: 1:45- 2pm (after the noon session) or 4:45pm to 5:00pm (after the2pm session) in the schoolyard or Detective Joseph Mayrose Park located diagonally across the street from PS10.** When you are picking up your child, you must sign out with the Program Manager at the Extended Day table. Please do not take your child from Prospect Park or any other outdoor location. Due to our spread out location and mitigating circumstances, we cannot allow you to pick up your child at any time other than dismissal, except for in extreme emergency cases. This is mandatory for the safety and security of our students. Only people on the “authorized for pick up list” may pick up your child. You may update your pickup list online in your registration account at any time. If someone who is not authorized by a parent or legal guardian attempts to pick up a student, the student will not be released to that person until written authorization is received. If you are late to pick up your child you will be invoiced a late pick up fee. Please do not give cash directly to a teacher or assistant teacher; the charge will appear on your next invoice. Only children in the fifth grade are permitted to walk home on their own and only upon written notice to the PS10 Extended Day Program. Students may leave the program at 2pm after the completion of the first session, or at 5:00/the end of the Extended Day program. Dismissal time will be chosen at the time of registration. Students may not leave at any other time and must sign out with the Extended Day Program Manager before leaving Extended Day. **Locations may change based on availability. Final location pick ups will be emailed to families prior to the session starting.
After 2:25 and 5:25 respectively, you will be charged a late fee of $25. For every minute after 2:30 and 5:30, you will be charged $1.00. If you are going to be late, please call the Extended Day Director at 347-946-5767 (late fees still apply). After 6:00, if no other arrangements have been made, we reserve the right to take your child to the safety of a police precinct. If you are late more than 3 times in one month, we reserve the right to ask your family to leave the program.
We recommend that you put your
child’s name on all of their items with a label or permanent marker so
that lost items can be returned to them if found. All unclaimed items
are put in the bins at the sign out table marked “Lost and Found.” As
you leave the program, please check your child’s backpack to make sure
that he or she has all clothing, lunch boxes, homework and personal
items. Please do not bring toys or electronics; we are not responsible
for lost or broken toys/electronics.
EMERGENCY INFORMATIONThe registration form contains
space for emergency contact information as well as space for authorized
pick-up people. It is very important to give us your emergency contact
phone number. Your child will NOT be released to anyone whose name does
not appear on their form unless you provide written consent authorizing
change of pick up. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS. Please be advised that
the PTA Extended Day program does not have access to the PS10 DOE Blue
Cards in the school main office. All Extended Day contact information
must be in the Extended Day registration system.
Please do not send your child
to the Extended Day program if they have a contagious illness and/or
fever within 24 hours. The Extended Day staff may administer only basic
first aid such as ice and band-aids, we will not administer medication
of any kind. In case of serious injury or illness, a parent or emergency
contact person will be called to pick up the child. Accident reports
will be completed for any accidents/injuries that occur during extended
day hours, which we will keep on file. Teachers and co-teachers are
instructed to report all accidents/injuries to the
Director and to complete an accident report. Either the Director or
Assistant Director will inform the parents about the injury. In the case
that a parent or emergency contact cannot be reached, the Extended Day
program will escort the student to the closest hospital if deemed
necessary. For Covid safety protocols please click here.
Strict CDC-recommended Covid safety measures will be in place. Please see our letter to families regarding our Covid Guidelines here. Highlights include:
Masks will be worn by staff and students at all times and should be in
place upon arrival. Anyone without a mask or refusing to wear one will
not be allowed to participate. Designated mask breaks will occur as
needed and while students are safely distanced at least 6 feet apart
from one another.
Upon arrival, students and staff will receive hand sanitizer and a
temperature check. Anyone with a temperature above 100.4 degrees will
not be allowed to participate.
Students will be kept in small groups of no more than 15 students that
follow their DOE-assigned class cohort or combined all-remote
learners to the best of our ability. All students and staff will be
spaced 6 feet apart during all activities.
- Any shared equipment will be disinfected between uses and we will limit the number of items that are shared between campers.
- All staff will be tested before the session begins and every 3 weeks thereafter. Please see this link for our Covid Handbook for Employees.
Parents/guardians are
responsible for notifying the P.S. 10 PTA Extended Day about a child
with severe allergies and/or Asthma. Extended Day is not NUT-FREE.
Please do not send your child with any nut products for snack. Students
that have been prescribed an epipen or an inhaler by their medical
provider may carry the epipen or inhaler, if the student is determined
by the medical provider to be self-directed and able to self-administer medication. The
epipen or inhaler must be in the original container, and be
clearly labeled with the child’s full name, prescriber’s name,
directions for administration and expiration date. Parents are advised
that Extended Day does not have access to medical staff in the P.S. 10
building; we do have staff with limited medical training.
You must provide a snack and water bottle for your child. Please place one in their backpack each day they attend Extended Day. If you pack a lunch for your child, please do not put the snack in with the lunch. Your child just might
eat it at lunch! Please be mindful that the Extended Day program is a
NUT-FREE environment. Please label all of your child's items and encourage them not to share snacks.
We may experience a behavior problem that goes beyond our code of conduct. Every effort will be made to place children in a class that is appropriate for that child, the class and the teacher. The Director will work with the child and the teacher and will reach out to the family when necessary. Teachers will refer discipline problems to the Director if a child is continuously disrupting a class and efforts such as time-out and restricted playtime have been ineffective. The Director will contact the child’s family and report the problem. If a behavioral problem continues after that point, the child will no longer be allowed to attend the enrichment class. If problems persist, the Director will consult with the PTA Extended Day Committee and the child may be removed from the program. If this occurs, the family will be reimbursed for the balance of the program for which they have paid. The Extended Day Program staff is responsible for providing a positive experience for the children in our care. If your child adversely affects the experience of others and/or harms another person or property, they will be immediately removed from the Extended Day program. We ask that you discuss the policies of the Extended Day Program with your child, explaining that the consequence of their unacceptable behavior could be dismissal from the Program.
Program is a fully inclusive program, no PS10 child is excluded
from enrollment. Our Outdoor Camp is run with a 15:2 ratio of staff to
students; we do not have one-to-one paras or staff available. If you
have any concern regarding your child’s ability to manage
in this setting, we encourage you to speak with the Program Director
prior to registration.
PS10 PTA Extended Day carries
our own insurance policy that covers the school, its staff and students
for the hours that the Extended Day program is in operation. By
registering your child(ren) in our program, you are releasing the PS10
PTA, its officers, volunteers, employees, contractors, agents and staff
from any liability arising from their participation in the Extended Day
program. Parents are required to sign a liability waiver at enrollment.
The following goals and
responsibilities have been made priorities for all employees of the
PS10 PTA Extended Day Program: Our first responsibility is to ensure the
health and safety of the children in our charge. We will always be
alert to any safety hazards, including inattentiveness and poor
supervision of the children. We will be responsible for the positive
development of each child, helping the children in our program with
their social, emotional, physical and intellectual development as well
as encouraging good habits and positive attitudes. We will ensure that
families feel confident and informed about their child’s care. Our
school is proud of its inclusive and diverse environment. We will
encourage acceptance of different lifestyles and ethnic backgrounds and
cultures among our students, staff and families. We encourage Extended
Day teachers to discuss any problems or concerns with families directly,
particularly as they relate to family/teacher communication and the
child’s well being. We have a serious responsibility towards the
program, the school, our colleagues and the families we serve.
We understand the need to work together in order to ensure the program’s